Choosing a Career Coach

Whether this is your first time choosing a career coach, or you are looking to work with someone new, welcome. Choosing a career coach should be a thoughtful process, rather than a rush to the credit card. You want to work with someone who can help you to reach your goals, and to help you feel safe, supported and motivated throughout the process. If you’re considering working with a career coach, here are some things to consider:
What training and experience do they have?

Coaching is an unlicensed profession, and that means that anyone can call themselves a coach. It also means that many of us in this professional space have arrived here through a variety of pathways. You should be able to easily find information on a prospective coach that tells you what training and experience they have in the field.

I have a PhD, CDP (Career Development Practitioner) diploma, and over 10 years experience in the field of career coaching. More details on my LinkedIn profile.

How do they operate their coaching practice?

Their website should clearly articulate what you’d be signing up for if you agree to work with a coach. Are you buying a package? Group coaching? Short calls? Long calls? How do you communicate with your coach, and how often? Every coach, just like every business owner, sets out how they work with their clients, so make sure that you understand what you’re signing up for and what you’re getting for your money.

I have no minimum set hours, and I charge the same rate for coaching appointments – $150 +applicable taxes per hour, regardless of our topic. You decide how often you want to meet, and we can discuss how to maximize your coaching budget during the initial consultation.

How do they make you feel?

You need to get on well with your coach if you are going to have a productive relationship. You should feel safe, secure, encouraged and motivated by your coach. They should also be able to tell you the truth, and not just say the things that you want to hear. Use initial consultations to see if you get along with each other, and if you’re feeling more energized by the end of that first conversation. That’s a great sign that you have found a good fit for your situation, style and needs. Remember, if you don’t feel comfortable with your coach, you can’t be honest with them or yourself, and you’ll just be wasting your time and money.

Free First Consultation

How can I help you? For all new clients, I offer a 30-minute consultation to discuss your situation and what you’re looking for from a coach or consultant. Whether you are seeking assistance with your resume, cover letter, CV, LinkedIn or other application documents, or you want to discuss next steps for your career, let me know how I can help.

All services include ongoing email contact, the ability to ask questions (love them!), and support from your own personal career coach.
Send me a message and let’s set up a time to talk!